Should Companies Un-gate Their Content?
Content is any form of online material that can be consumed, including but not limited to articles, videos, infographics, webinars, etc. “Gating” content means putting up a paywall or some other barrier that prevents people from accessing it unless they provide some kind of information, such as an email address.
There are two schools of thought when it comes to gating content. The first is that gated content leads to higher quality leads because people have to give something (usually their contact information) to get something (usually your content). The second school of thought is that un-gated content gets more views and builds trust with potential customers because they’re not being asked for anything in return.
So, which is the right approach for your business? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of gating vs. un-gating content.
The Pros of Gating Content
1. Gated content leads to higher quality leads because people have to give something (usually their contact information) to get something (usually your content).
2. Gated content allows you to segment leads based on the type of content they’re interested in and their stage in the buyer’s journey.
3. You can track how many people are viewing your gated content and how often they’re filling out the form to access it. This data can be valuable in optimizing your marketing funnel.
The Cons of Gating Content
1. People are more likely to view un-gated content because they don’t have to give up their contact information to access it.
2. You might miss out on potential customers if your target audience isn’t willing to fill out a form just to read an article or watch a video.
3. People might view your company as being pushy or sales-y if all of your content is gated.
4. You could end up with a lot of low-quality leads if you offer too much free content without any forms to fill out.
At the end of the day, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to gating vs. un-gating content. It depends on your business goals and your target audience’s preferences. If you’re not sure which approach is right for you, try A/B testing different types of content and see what performs best with your audience.